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Title:New Mexico McDougal Littell Literature [Grade 6]
Author(s):Janet Allen, Arthur N. Applebee, Jim Burke
Publisher: McDougal Littell
State Edition: New Mexico
Content Type: Textbook
NIMAS File Creation Date:2010-10-22
Subject(s): Literature
Series 1: McDougal Littell Literature
Identifier: 9780547075198NIMAS
ISBN(s): 0547075197, 9780547075198
Format:NIMAS 1.1
Language(s): English
File Size: 545.91 MB
Text Publication Year: 2008
Copyright Year: 2011
Grade Level(s): Grade 6
Publisher Notes:McDougal Littell is an imprint of Holt McDougal a division of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Rights:The only legal and authorized use of these files is for the production of alternate media materials for blind, visually impaired, or print disabled students as specified in the NIMAC limitation of use agreement. The copyright for these files is the sole property of the original owner.
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